

PhD Alumni

  • Pantea Kiaei (PhD 2022)
    • Current Position: Hardware Design Engineer, Apple, CA.
    • Dissertation: "Cross-Layer Vulnerability Analysis of System-on-Chip against Physical Hardware Attacks" pdf
  • Archanaa Santhana Krishnan (PhD 2021)
    • Current Position: Software/Hardware Security at Texas Instruments, TX.
    • Dissertation: "Top-down Approach To Securing Intermittent Embedded Systems" pdf
  • Yuan Yao (PhD 2021)
    • Current Position: ML SoC Design Engineer at Google, CA.
    • Dissertation: "Towards Comprehensive Side-channel Resistant Embedded Systems" pdf
  • Bilgiday Yuce (PhD 2017)
    • Current Position: Silicon Security Engineer at Google, CA.
    • Dissertation: "Fault Attacks on Embedded Software: New Directions in Modeling, Design, and Mitigation" pdf
  • Nahid Farhady Ghalaty (PhD 2016)
    • Current Position: ML Engineer at Google, Adjunct Faculty at UC Berkeley, CA.
    • Dissertation: "Fault Attacks on Cryptosystems: Novel Threat Models, Countermeasures and Evaluation Techniques" pdf
  • Aydin Aysu (PhD 2016).
    • Current Position: Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, NC (Fall 2018).
    • Dissertation: "Resource-constrained and Resource-efficient Modern Cryptosystem Design" pdf
  • Mostafa Mohamed Ibrahim Taha (PhD 2014).
    • Current Position: Assistant Professor, Carleton University (Canada).
    • Dissertation: "Advances in the Side-Channel Analysis of Symmetric Cryptography" pdf
  • Abhranil Maiti (PhD 2012).
    • Current Position: Security Architect at Intel, OR
    • Dissertation: "A Systematic Approach to Design an Efficient Physical Unclonable Function" pdf
  • Xu Eric Guo (PhD 2012).
    • Current Position: Senior Staff Product Security Engineer at Qualcomm, CA.
    • Dissertation: "Secure and Efficient Implementations of Cryptographic Primitives" pdf
  • Zhimin Chen (PhD 2011).
    • Current Position: Senior Principal Security Architect at Tenstorrent, CA
    • Dissertation: "SCA-Resistant and High-Performance Embedded Cryptography using Instruction-Set Extensions and Multicore Processors". pdf

MS Alumni

  • Richa Singh (MS 2022).
    • Thesis: "Design and Evaluation of Bit-sliced Neural Network and Post-Quantum Implementations" pdf
  • Ramazan Kaan Eren (MS 2022).
    • Thesis: "Side-channel Testing Infrastructures in Pre- and Post-silicon Settings" pdf
  • Jacob Grycel (MS 2021).
    • Thesis: "Hardware Simulation of Embedded Software Fault Attacks: How to SimpliFI Processor Fault Vulnerability Evaluation" pdf
  • Thomas Conroy (MS 2021).
    • Thesis: "Support for Accessible Bitsliced Software" pdf
  • Tarun Kathuria (MS 2019).
    • Thesis: "Gate-level Leakage Assessment and Mitigation" pdf
  • Charles Suslowicz (MS 2018).
    • Thesis: "Secure Intermittent Computing: Precomputation and Implementation" pdf
  • Conor Patrick (MS 2017).
    • Thesis: "Software Protection against Fault and Side Channel Attacks" pdf
  • Harsha Mandadi (MS 2017).
    • Thesis: "Remote Integrity Checking using Multiple PUF based Component Identifiers" pdf
  • Hemendra Rawat (MS 2016).
    • Thesis: "Vector Instruction Set Extensions for Efficient and Reliable Computation of Keccak" pdf
  • Carol Pinto (MS 2016).
    • Thesis: "Optimization of Physical Unclonable Function Protocols for Lightweight Processing" pdf
  • Shravya Gaddam (MS 2016).
    • Thesis: "Design and Implementation of PUF Based Protocols for Remote Integrity Verification" pdf
  • Ege Gulcan (MS 2015).
    • Thesis: "Flexible and Lightweight Cryptographic Engines for Constrained Systems" pdf
  • Moein Pahlavan Yali (MS 2014).
    • Thesis: "An Insightful Model for FGPA-based Hardware Acceleration in Modern Embedded Systems" pdf
  • Deepak Hanamant Mane (MS 2014).
    • Thesis: "Energy-harvested Lightweight Cryptosystems" pdf
  • Krishna Chaitanya Pabbuleti (MS 2014).
    • Thesis: "Performance Optimization of Public Key Cryptography on Embedded Platforms" pdf
  • Lyndon Judge (MS 2012).
    • Thesis: "Design Methods for Cryptanalysis" pdf
  • Suvarna Mane (MS 2012).
    • Thesis: "Implementation of SCA-Resistant CPU and an ECDLP Engine on FPGA Platform" pdf
  • Ambuj Sinha (MS 2011).
    • Thesis: "Design Techniques for Side-channel Resistant Software" pdf
  • Srikrishna Iyer (MS 2011).
    • Thesis: "A Unifying Interface Abstraction for Accelerated Computing in Sensor Nodes" pdf
  • Sergey Morozov (MS 2010).
    • Thesis: "Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Heterogeneous Multicore Platform" pdf
  • Michael Gora (MS 2010).
    • Thesis: "Securing Software Intellectual Property on Commodity and Legacy Embedded Systems" pdf
  • Christian Tergino (MS 2009).
    • Thesis: "Efficient Binary Field Multiplication on a VLIW DSP" pdf
  • Pengyuan Yu (MS 2007).
    • Thesis: "Implementation of a DPA-Resistant Circuit for FPGA" pdf
  • Eric Simpson (MS 2007).
    • Thesis: "Runtime Intellectual Property Protection on Programmable Platforms" pdf

MEng Alumni

BS Alumni

  • Sam Cowley (BS 2019).
  • Riley Cooper (BS 2017).
  • Luke Wegryn (BS 2015).
  • Bishwamoy Sinha Roy (BS 2014).
  • Cameron Spiller (BS 2014).
  • Stephen Sul (BS 2014).
  • Shaishav Parekh (BS 2012).
  • Michael Cantrell (BS 2012).
  • Micah Boswell (BS 2012).
  • Billy Gomez (BS 2012).
  • Matthew Via (BS 2012).
  • Vikash Gunreddy (BS 2012).
  • Viktor Murillo (BS 2011).
  • Luke McHale (BS 2011).
  • Logan McDougall (BS 2011).
  • Jeff Casarona (BS 2010).